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Applied discounts

The different discounts applied may vary depending on the size of the budget: -In case of lowering the volume of the order, it shortchanges the discount * . -In case of increasing the volume of the order, would increase the discount * . * For minimum orders.

Web orders: provisional budget

Orders placed via the web will get immediately a provisional budget. This budget is provided for informational purposes and therefore will not be valid until the commercial team of Idiliq verify the availability of the products ordered, as well as the possible existence of other expenditures to include (transport, ... ).


Any order implies the acceptance without exception of the totality of the conditions of rental and sale following, except by prior agreement signed between the parties. The client accepts these general terms and conditions in case of dealing with us or make use of our material.

Prices and price variation

The prices of our catalogs are quoted as examples. Idiliq reserves the right to change prices at any time. Our standard rental prices are without VAT for a maximum duration of 8 days. These prices do not include possible transport services, special mounting, nighttime or other extra services ... In the event that the duration is greater than 8 days, coefficients of immobilization different depending on the length of the lease period. These coefficients are available to the client requesting them.

Last minute orders

Any request made the day prior to departure of the material from our warehouse will be subject to a rate increase of 10 %.

Additional services

The costs relating to additional services (transport, installation, etc. ) are indicative. They were translated accurately when we have more data about the event (location, hours of delivery/collection of material, etc. )

Night shift

Expenses can arise of nighttime for deliveries or collected with schedules included in the time slot of 22:00 to 8:00 (at the time of listing budgets initially, Idiliq does not always have knowledge of the exact time of the event). Idiliq reserves the right to add in any time expenditure of nighttime in the event that the final timetable of the event are included in the night strip. Do not apply to expenses of nighttime fairs.

"Interior use" or "External use"

Before you accept their budget, you need to review carefully the uses of each product: Use 'inside'. The product can be only used in enclosed spaces. Use 'outside'. The product can be used both in open spaces as well as indoors. Check the information on the use of our products, which is clearly reflected in this budget. The improper use of the materials can cause damage to our products or leave them useless. Idiliq reserves the right to invoice the customer for the damage due to misuse

Obligation of the lessee

By accepting this budget, the customer is solely responsible for the material throughout the rental period, with regard to possible damage caused (stains, burns, cuts .... ). The transfer of responsibility toward the client is cash or in the collection of the material in our warehouse by the client or in the place of delivery. This responsibility on the part of the customer, there is up to the collection of the material by our society or the return of the material to our warehouses. In the event of the material has suffered some theft, theft, loss or damage (in its use outside of normal), Idiliq reserves the right to charge up to 100% of the value of the affected parts. The client should not make any modification or repair any of the material even if they are minimal. At the time of the collection of the material the borrower disclaims any liability with regard to objects or any deposited material within, under or above the items rented. At the time of delivery, the customer has to sign the delivery order by checking the condition as well as the quantities of the requested material

Payment in advance

In case of payment in advance (partial or total), the client must send the proof of payment of the corresponding amount by email, 24 hours before the delivery at the latest. Otherwise Idiliq reserves the right to cancel the order.

Partial or total cancellation of the order.

In case of partial or total cancellation of the material, the client must pay penalties on the amount canceled: From confirmation until 15 days before the event: 25%. Between 14 and 3 days before the event: 50%. 3 Days or less before the event or if furniture is delivered: 100%.


Our society disclaims any liability with respect to the availability of the material in validating the request. In the case of non-availability or major force, our company reserves the right to offer an equivalent material allowing ensure the intended target.

Budgets validity

Our budgets for rent and sale are valid for 15 days. After this date the budgets do not commit us, unless they have been renovated for a new period.


In case the customer is going to transport the rented equipment by his account at any time of the rental contract, Idiliq reserves the right to require payment of a deposit in the amount that it deems necessary (amount, calculated on the basis of the equipment rented). It is important that in this case the client to specify to Idiliq its intention of transporting the material so that we can reclaim the corresponding security

Signing the delivery note to the delivery of the material

The delivery of the material the customer must review and sign the delivery note. In case of failing to notify in writing the potential damage of the material made available by Idiliq, within a maximum of 24h after delivery, the material delivered by Idiliq is considered in good condition and will have to return as such. In the absence of signatories, the delivery will be considered as correct and accepted by the customer

Material displacement

The displacement of Idiliq material by the customer without prior notice, may cause serious problems (improper handling of the material on the part of the customer, loss of the materials ... ). Any damage or loss of material due to a shift on the part of the customer, without prior written notice to any of our offices, an additional cost to assume on the part of the customer. Idiliq reserves the right to charge up to 100% of the value of the affected parts.

Delay in material return

The delay in the return of the material involves the billing of a compensation, calculated at the rate applicable and eventually the billing for the full costs and damage caused by the non-restoration and its consequences.

Late payments

The delays in payment will entail the payment of interest from the first day at the statutory rate.

Minimum consumption based on the distance for deliveries outside Madrid and Barcelona

Check our table minimum consumption.

Order confirmation

The order confirmation wilol be effective once we receive the signed budget by email.

Material reservation

Idiliq do not reserve furniture untill the confirmation of the budget.

Electrical appliances order

Electrical appliances order: Coffee machine, Fridge,water source, microwave..., has to be accompanied by furniture order.

Extra charges when access is restricted.

Fair Deliveries

Idiliq cannot guarantee to deliver at a specific date.The negotiated deliver date (that appeared on the budget) is just indicative.The furniture delivery is normally completed the day before the fair starts.

Idiliq only trade with professionnals

Extra charge for event where delivery at for différent floor than ground floor.

When delivery is over first floor or under-1 idiliq may charge an extra.


Fridge rental is only possible if there is an order regarding furniture.

Transport when added during fair or event

When furniture is added once the fair or event started , the delivery transportation cost is 60 eur for any kind of volume.(for Madrid and Barceloan center.)

Minimun order

There is a minimum order of 200 eur (without VAT) in furniture

Appliance rental is only available in case of furniture rental.

Fair management

For Fair orders below 200 eur per booth there is an extra cost of 40 eur.


Website terms of use

Is the object of these conditions regular access and use of this web site reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the web site and content and services incorporated therein. The user acknowledges and accepts that at any time idiliq .com can interrupt, disable and/or cancel any of the contents and services that are integrated into the web site.

Access and use of certain content and services may be subject to certain conditions, guidelines, legal notices and regulations of use than previously put on the user's knowledge, and depending on the case, be replaced, they will complete and/or amend the terms and conditions here laid down. Access and use of such content and services entail, therefore, full adherence to the particular conditions that regulate them in the version published at the time the user accesses them, leaving such particular conditions automatically incorporated into these terms and conditions.

In case of contradiction between the terms and conditions expressed in the General conditions and the special conditions prevail, always and in any case, the terms agreed upon in the latter instrument with respect to those incompatible terms and only with respect to those contents and services subject to such specific regulation. For access to the web site, the user must have access to the Internet, either directly or indirectly, through access devices. For correct access, visualization and implementation of certain contents and services of the web site, the user may need download in its computer equipment certain computer programs or other logical elements. This installation shall be borne by the user, declining to any type of liability that might arise.

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The user can not choose as a user name or password words and/or expressions that, in general, were contrary to law or the demands of morality and decency generally accepted and, in general, words and/or expressions which justifiably some law that excludes the use of the same user. To this end, the user may not select words or expressions that are rude, insulting, slanderous, identical, similar or, in any way, matching with distinctive signs, company names, as well as names, surnames, artistic names and/or pseudonyms of third parties. If the user provide any data false, inaccurate or incomplete, or if idiliq .com has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, or contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and the good generally accepted customs, in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph, idiliq .com shall have the right to cancel the registration and deny access and usepresent or future, of the web site or any of the contents and/or services therein incorporated.

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For any additional information, suggestion or proposal please contact