idiliq | forms of payment accepted

Because the payment on the Internet is a critical point, idiliq offers its customers a wide range of forms of payment, with the maximum guarantees of security, data encryption, through secure servers and with total guarantee to make your purchases with total confidence and peace of mind.
As a first step of security, idiliq does not have access at any time to the credit card data used to make their purchases in or stored on its databases with information related to the same. At the time of pay for their purchases, idiliq redirects you to secure servers of entities solvents and recognized at the global level. In these secure servers, you made your payments, and once completed the operation, it is returned back to to finish the ordering process correctly and get your order form and additional information.
We have three main forms of payment:
- Payment by credit card, through Servired secure server.Will be able to make a payment through the secure server of Servired.
- Payment through Paypal, or by paying with funds from your account (if available) or by making the payment with your credit card through this payment gateway. Paypal is recognized worldwide for its high safety and security in the pay for your purchases, and therefore has more than 230 million accounts, and with more than 100,000 shops on the Internet that integrate Paypal as payment gateway.
- Payment by bank transfer. You can make your payment by bank transfer directly to our account. The commissions applied by different banking institutions for the realization of this operation are borne by the client. Once checked in our own movement, will be to process your order.
In addition to the forms of payment described above, if you are still not expected to pay via the Internet and you do not want to make bank transfers, you can contact with us by telephone to provide us with your credit card number, and we will charge your card manually from our facilities and in a completely secure manner.
All this to ensure that their purchases in simple, fast and totally secure for our clients.